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help for crypter VB6 Info1810Ya Esta Disponible al publico "LeProject" el Videojuego del Foro Click Aquí Para Ver el Post. help for crypter VB6 Info1810
help for crypter VB6 Info1810Pitbull Security Labs "Extras" Esta Disponible! [ENTRA]help for crypter VB6 Info1810

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Mar Nov 23, 2010 2:24 pm
Hello all I have a problem for make my stu FUD, i have create a stub for a crypter in vb6 , RC4 encryption , all my strings as crypt, i haved add a fake functions, fake module, fake class module, change name, generate a new RC4, generate a new runpe, modify a assembly, add junk code, change icon, move a entry point with ollydbg. But my stub is detect as 6 avs .... do you have a solution for me?? Thanks for your help


Moderadores Globales
Moderadores Globales

Mar Nov 23, 2010 4:02 pm
used as a method of indeteccion Xor or RIT to modify the compiled (. exe) and so take away detections, post them in the section statutes in English PSL wait it out ok and not despair.

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