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Moderadores Globales
Moderadores Globales

Dom Dic 12, 2010 10:02 am
DarkComet-RAT 3.0 (FIX 1) Logongr

By DarkCoderSc

- [Server startup]Now server module install correctly in Windows and System dir (if user got privileges).
- [Edit Server] Server generation is now 50x faster and safe threaded
- [Edit Server] File binder , Plugins disabled for EOF mode (only), it was corrupting the EOF settings, use RES mode to bind/add plugins to server, the rest still working fine with EOF mode.
- [File Manager] No more random errors when browsing files
- [File Manager] Now even if you browse large amount of files, for example system32 it will works fine without any problems
- [File Manager] Now you can put arguments when you run a file (SHOW and HIDDEN)
- [Fun reader] No more error display if it fail
- [Edit Server] Plugins error managed
- [Mistakes, Small bug fixed] Some mistakes fixed also other small bugs

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Saludos y Comenten!

2Albert Weasker 

Albert Weasker

Miér Sep 14, 2011 2:08 pm
Para mi es el Mejor troyanos, Estable, Confiable que Viva Dark Comet mi versión favorita es esta DarkComet-RAT 3.0 (FIX 1) 930471




Sáb Sep 24, 2011 2:55 pm
DArkcomet no me conecta.. ni siquiera localmente!

4Contenido patrocinado 

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